Resumes of Tomorrow: Which 4 Elements Make Infographic Style Resumes So Great?


Job Search

The job market of the world today is more competitive than it’s ever been. Companies are doing more than ever to make sure they’re hiring the best of the best for their vacant job roles, guaranteeing themselves the top talent.

However, from a candidate’s perspective, this means you need to do even more for yourself in order to stand out from the crowd to give yourself the best possible chance of securing the job. One of these techniques is using an infographic styled resume that will catch your new employer’s eye.

Today, we’re going to explore what elements of this kind of resume makes it stand out, and you might want to choose it while applying for your next job role.

Making an Impact

The first, and perhaps the most obvious, benefit of using an infographic resume is the fact that you’re going to stand out against the rest of the candidates. Put yourself in the position of the recruiter, and you’ll easily see it can boring to look through resume after resume just filled with text.

An infographic resume is very visually and very engaging and it’s sure to catch the recruiter’s eye while they’re looking through the pile. If you’ve grabbed your recruiter’s attention, you’re increasing your chances of being selected for the next stage.

Read: 5 Modern Resume Formatting Principles to Follow

Share Your Story

When you’re creating an infographic resume, you have so much more freedom when it comes to telling your story of where you’ve been in your life and where you are now. Using your creativity, you’ll be able to lead your reader through your experiences, your skills, and your talents.

This is because you’re not restricted to the typical resume format and structure, and you pretty much have the freedom to present your resume any way you want.

Demonstrate Your Skills

If you’re applying for a creative role, such as a graphic designer or an illustrator, for example, using an infographic resume you can showcase your designer skills using the resume itself.

By implementing some of the skills you have into the design of the document itself, this is a great way to show what you can achieve. Even if you’re not skilled in this way, but you still want the benefits of an infographic resume, you can use online templates, such as the ones found at Hloom.

Clearly Explaining Yourself

When you’re writing a traditional resume using just text, it can be easy to get carried away with what your content and your message can easily become lost with endless streams of words and sentences.

However, using a visually engaging infographic resume, you can easily showcase the information you want to include in an easy to read and understand way. This minimizes the risk of miscommunication and presents everything you need to present clearly.

Read: Business Analyst Resume Sample


While an infographic resume may not be suitable when applying to every single type of job role, there are plenty of roles where this infographic can be ideal. If you’re choosing to use one, make sure you’re creating it to a professional level to ensure you’re making the right first impression.


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